Read Choosing the Perfect Compost - Cornwall Garden Shop
While there are a few types of garden soil that are great for growing plants and vegetables, it is very rare that gardeners are lucky enough to have the perfect soil. This is where compost comes in. Added to the soil, it helps to provide the ideal growing conditions and makes the most out of your plants and vegetables.
Before you get started with choosing the right compost for your gardening needs, it’s a good idea to check the pH balance of the soil you already have. This will give you an indication of which kind of compost will work well for you and whether you will also need to mix in a Lime soil improver.
Seed Compost

Seeds require different levels of nutrients and care than older plants. Normal potting composts can be too rich and too coarse for seedlings to grow, so it’s better to use one that is purpose made for seeds. These types of compost contain lower nutrients but higher phosphate levels, which is what the seeds need to develop strong roots. They also tend to have a much finer texture, allowing the seedlings to root and flourish.
Loam-based Compost

Also known as top soil, natural loam-based composts are blended with nutrient-rich organic matter. Perfect for topping up existing borders, creating raised beds and laying new lawns. Great for growing herbs, vegetables, salads and most types of plants.

Peat Free Compost
Ideal for anyone with concerns about the environmental impact of using peat compost, peat-free compost is comprised of wood-based materials such as sawdust and paper waste which offer great drainage and a low pH.

Multi-Purpose Compost
Multi-purpose compost is great for hanging baskets, window boxes, and annual plants and flowers. Made from organic materials that are perfectly enriched with the right amount of nutrients, this type of compost is ideal for getting potted plants started and keeping them sustained for the first few weeks.

Ericaceous Compost
This type of compost is perfect for planting ericaceous plants, otherwise known as lime-hating or acid-loving plants. Whether you’re planting Azaleas, Camellias or Rhododendrons, this compost will help your plants to flourish as they thrive in a low lime environment.

Farm Manure
Ideal for providing drainage and aeration in clay soils while adding body to light, sandy soils, Farm Manure is a great way to improve soil fertility. It is a natural source of organic matter and provides vital humus and nutrients as well as improving the soil structure and water holding capability.

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