Flower Bulbs

24 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 24 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 24 products
Garlic French Edenrose (2 Bulbs)
Dahlia Cafe Au Lait (Single Pack)
Dahlia Edge of Joy (Single Pack)
Garlic French Flavor (2 Bulbs)
Anemone de Caen Mix
Taylors Anemone de Caen Mix
Sale price£3.99
Agapanthus White Lily of the Nile (Single Pack)
Agapanthus Blue Lily of the Nile (Single Pack)
Ranunculus Mixed (12 Pack)
Gladiolus Callianthus Acidanthera (25 Pack)
Iris Loop the Loop (Single Pack)
Dahlia Sylvia (Single Pack)
Dahlia Lilac Bull (Single Pack)
Garlic Garcua (2 Bulbs)
Rhubarb Timperley Early (Single Crown)
Iris Bedtime Story (Single Pack)
Dahlia French Can Can (Single Pack)
Dahlia Bishop of Llandaff (Single Pack)
Agapanthus Dr Brouwer
Taylors Agapanthus Dr Brouwer
Sale price£2.99
Allium Atropurpureum
Taylors Allium Atropurpureum
Sale price£3.99
Agapanthus Blue Lily of the Nile (15 Pack)
Rhubarb Red Champagne (Single Pack)
Iris Burgemeister Bearded Iris (Single Pack)
Iris Black Dragon (Single Pack)
Dahlia Rebeccas World (Single Pack)

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