Pak Choi Yuushou F1 Seeds

Sale price£2.79


Pak Choi - Yuushou F1 This is a high quality Pak Choi that is fast growing and slow to bolt. Producing broad, thick and crunchy stems that are unbeatable steamed or stir fried. The leaves are great in salads or when wilted into authentic Oriental dishes. Sow outdoors thinly, from March to October where they are to crop, 1.5cm deep, directly into finely-prepared, fertile, well-drained soil, which has already been watered. Sow from May to August for mature heads and baby leaf. Allow 40cm between rows. Seedlings usually appear in 14-21 days. Keep well-watered in dry spells. Harvest unthinned as baby leaves, or thin to 25cm apart to produce mature plants. Regular sowings, made every two to three weeks, will ensure a continuous supply. For baby leaf only, sow March to May and September to October under cloches or fleece. Harvest mature heads between June and October and baby leaf from May to December.

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