Dipped three times for extra protection and durability, our Extra-Life Kitchen Gloves have special roll-top cuffs that stay up and an extra-comfy cotton lining. Our safe-hold pattern gives you more grip, and our special coating stands up to the harshest kitchen and oven cleaners.
Brand MarketingFor a brighter clean
Marigold transforms the dullest chore into one with a sense of purpose, pride and deep satisfaction. We call it the Marigold cleaning glow.
Why not try:
Longer Bathroom Gloves
Extra-Tough Outdoor Gloves
Gloves for Sensitive Skin
This product contains natural latex which may cause an allergic reaction. Safe use of this product by or on a latex-sensitive individual has not been established.
Manufacturer’s AddressFreudenberg Household Products LP,
2 Chichester Street,
OL16 2AX,