Bee Wildlife Care in Garden

Creating and maintaining a wildlife-friendly garden doesn't necessarily mean that we should leave our outdoor spaces to become overgrown and cluttered for creatures to thrive and flourish. Utilising every outdoor space, whether that be a small courtyard or a busy communal area, can provide a suitable home to nature without spending much time or effort in doing so.

There are many simple activities that can be carried out to help the creatures we share a space with. From making sure wildlife have access to a variety of habitats, to keeping feeding areas well stocked with food all year round, simple steps that we can all take will support nature and the creatures it provides.

Insects and other wildlife support biodiversity, the foundation for the world's ecological balance, and we can all do our bit to increase ecosystem productivity. A small wildlife house in your garden will provide a nesting opportunity and hibernation space for many beneficial insects, thus increasing wildlife diversity and aiding the start of important ecosystem activities such as pollination and soil formation. Similarly, wild bird boxes can be a life line in cooler months or create a secluded nesting spot for smaller birds to raise their young.

For many species of wildlife, food shortages can occur at any time of the year, not only in winter months. By feeding all year round, you'll give them a better chance to survive food shortages whenever they may occur. While birds will naturally visit any garden, adding bird feeders and wild bird feed will attract more species.

To view our range of wildlife houses and feed, please click here.

Bird feederEnvironmentGardenGardeningWildlife