Cauliflower White Step F1 Hybrid Seeds

Sale price£3.99
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This compact variety is ideal for the smaller garden producing a deep, solid, small 10cm diameter pure white curd just the right size to feed two people. It shows very good heat tolerance for the late June and July transplanting period. 

Sow in individual pots or a seed tray of good seed compost and cover with 6mm of compost or vermiculite, at a minimum of of 15C, until germination which takes around 7 days. Alternatively, can be sown thinly in a prepared seedbed 13mm deep, allowing 30cm between rows. Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into larger pots, or transplant from the seedbed around 5 weeks from sowing. Allow 45cm between plants each way for baby heads. Plant firmly to obtain best quality heads.

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