Gardening Tips For February

Gardening in February is all about enjoying the signs of Spring and getting ready for the growing season. Whether you have a single-window ledge, a balcony or a whole garden to utilise, there is plenty to do even in the unpredictable British weather.

  1. 'Chit' first early seed potatoes by placing them in a bright, warm spot indoors to encourage shoots to form. They should then be ready to plant in mid to late March. See our previous blog post regarding seed potato planting for more information.
  2. Plant trees and shrubs provided the ground isn't waterlogged or frozen.
  3. Prepare vegetable beds for early sowing by covering the soil with black plastic polythene or fleece to warm the ground. Furthermore, sorting your vegetable seed packets and filing them by sowing month, may mean you're less likely to forget what to sow when.
  4. Prune winter-blooming shrubs such as Mahonia, Winter Jasmine and Heathers once they've finished flowering.
  5. Cut back Wisteria side shoots to three buds from the base to encourage abundant flowering in Spring.
  6. Cut away all old foliage from Epimedium with garden shears, just before Spring flowers start to develop.
  7. Apply a slow-release fertiliser, such as Bone Meal, around the base of roses and other flowering shrubs to promote healthy root growth.
  8. Feed fruit trees and bushes by sprinkling Sulphate of Potash Fertiliser around the base to encourage fruiting.

If you are seeking to revitalise your garden now that winter is behind us, visit our garden centres located in Goonhavern and Chacewater where you will find plenty of plants, seeds and gardening tools to transform your outdoor space.
